Selah proudly, proudly, proudly introduces her older sister, Anteia Samara DeLaney!
"What do you want to say about Anteia on your blog?"
"Well, I want to say everything. I want to say that Anteia is not my half-sister, to me, she's my WHOLE sister. And she's my best friend, too. She's all of that together, like the ingredients of love. [Pantomimes stirring something yummy in a big bowl] Teia loves me and cares for me. She's Papa's daughter. She's amazing! And very smart! She's a soccer player and a great singer. she can reallllly sing 'Amazing Grace' can't she? I love Teia. That's everything. Type it in."
Anteia lives with her mama and grandmother in Seattle, Washington. She's indeed a soccer star, a natural-born performer (like both of her parents) and very, very dear to all of us.

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